3.請以銀行入數或過戶形式付款並向本公司提交正本單據。星展銀行戶口 494-471547581 如以支票形式繳付,須以劃線支票,抬頭寫上「Life Travel Limited」,期票或恕不接納。
6.團費計算:0-23 月為嬰兒,2 至 11 歲為小童,12 歲及以上為成人。
2.酒店:行程表上所列或同級酒店,以兩位成人共用 1 房為標準。
1.顧客須確保所持之旅遊證件必須有最少 6 個月有效期(以回港日期計算,個別國家除外)及有足夠之空白頁供簽證及入境之用。
2.「香港旅遊業議會」(TIC) 建議旅客出發前按個人需要購買旅遊綜合保險。
1.如遇出發人數不足 15 人或特殊情況,本公司保留是否安排領隊之權利。部份團隊沒有領隊隨團或領隊不會全程隨團,本公司會於行程單張中清楚註明,最終以行程單張及收據上所列為準。
8.任何顧客如在旅程中妨礙工作人員工作、經常不遵守工作人員指引及安排、對其他團員作出滋擾或影響團隊正常活動及安全時,本公司或委託機構之工作人員有權取消其參團資格,所繳費用恕不發還,而受該顧客監護之 18 歲以下同行團員亦須一併離團,其後一切行動與本公司無關。
11.颱風期間各團隊出發之安排將由領隊個別通知。如欲查詢颱風及暴雨訊號期間特別措施、特別安排請致電本公司 2528 3488。
航空公司責任細則 :
3.顧客必須清楚核對收據上之姓名正確無誤,Life Travel旅遊按該姓名提交予航空公司出票或登記,如出票後因錯名而需要繳付改名費或以正價重新購買來回機票,有關責任須由客人承檐,本公司慨不負責。
1.根據香港旅遊業議會關於 『會員因迫不得已理由而取消旅行團』的第二百二十三號指引,旅行社如因『迫不得已理由』取消旅行團,處理團員退款時可以收取退票費(如有),以及於旅行團資料上列明的手續費。有關香港旅遊業議會的第二百二十三號指引,請瀏覽香港旅遊業議會網站(www.tichk.org)。
3.根據第一百七十七號指引,「迫不得已理由」指戰爭、政治動盪、恐怖襲擊、天災、疫症、惡劣天氣、交通工具發生技術問題、載運機構臨時更改班次 / 時間 表、罷工、工業行動、旅遊目的地政府/世界衛生組織發出旅遊警告、香港特區 政府發出紅色 / 黑色外遊警示,以及其他業界不能控制的不利旅客外遊的情況。
1.客人應先自行準備安全、清潔、堅固而合乎國際航空運輸協會運載動物的規定之寵物運送寵物箱 (客人亦可選擇向本公司購買籠具,惟本公司不會對運送籠具的保養及使用負上任何責任)。為顧及托運寵物之舒適度及安全需求,每一寵物箱以裝載一隻寵物為限。柵門須牢固上鎖以防意外事故發生。運送途中如因航空公司發生故意過失,則屬航空公司責任而非本公司;如因動物本身因素產生的受傷、遺失、生病或死亡事故,則不歸屬航空公司及本公司的責任。
私人飛機寵物旅遊機票(Basic PJ)-條款及細則
“Agreement” means this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Aircraft” means any aircraft for the time being operated in connection with any Flight under the Agreement
“Aircraft/Flight Charter Company” means the company providing private jet service
“Flight” means the flight(s) described in this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Customer” means the individual or entity requesting the private jet service
“Captain” means licensed captain lawfully in charge of an aircraft
“Private Jet” means private aircraft shared by all Life Travel Limited’s customers only
“Passengers” means Customer and the companion authorized by Customer
“Pet” means dog only
“Life Travel” means “Life Travel Limited”
This Agreement is made by and among Life Travel Limited (“Life Travel”), a company organized under the laws of Hong Kong and Customer
3.1 This agreement includes round-trip ticket between the origin and the destination according to schedule detailed above.
3.2 The weight of each pet shall not exceed 10kg mentioned in this agreement or extra cost will be charged to Customer subject to approval by Life Travel and the Captain.
3.3 Baggage allowance per passenger is 15kg. Baggage should be soft-side luggage and no extra baggage is allowed.
3.4 All flights are non-smoking flights.
3.5 The flight schedule is subject to change depending on aircraft availability.
3.6 The flight may require a fuel stop depending on weather conditions including wind speed subject to Captain’s decision.
3.7 Life Travel will confirm Customer if the flight is available two months before the above Tentative Departure Date. Otherwise, full payment will be refunded by 1 month.
3.8 Life Travel will provide the tentative flight schedule at least 1 month before departure date from Hong Kong and will announce the final flight schedule around 2 weeks before departure date from Hong Kong.
3.9 The expiry period of this Pet Travel Agreement is 1 year from the date of this agreement.
3.10 Customer is responsible to arrange hotel accommodation at his/her own expenses.
3.11 If Customer purchases civil air ticket which may either be CX or HX at the same time, the validity will be the same as the schedule of private jet and Customer is responsible to submit the name of passenger 2 months before the schedule of private jet.
4.1 This agreement excludes any additional or special catering or special cleaning service.
4.2 This Pet Travel Agreement is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
4.3 Life Travel reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate this Pet Travel Agreement including these terms and conditions, at any time, without notice.
5.1 If Customer initiates cancellation of flight, no refund will be granted.
5.2 Under the safety system followed by the Captain, it reserves the right to terminate a flight or not commence a flight if the flight is jeopardized, without liability for loss, injury, damage or delay.
5.3 When a delay is caused by government regulation or authority, including the refusal, untimely granting or withdrawal of authorization and permits required for the performance of the Flight, mechanical difficulty, war, civil commotion, sickness, strikes or labor dispute, weather conditions, quarantine or any event that is unforeseen and from which the occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented or avoided by Life Travel or the Captain, neither Life Travel nor the Captain, shall be held responsible for such delay or failure to furnish transportation pursuant to booking.
5.4 If Life Travel initiates to cancel the flight for any reasons, this agreement shall be extended by one year or refunded after deducting the service charge of all the services provided, subject to Customer’s decision.
5.5 Customer and/or Passenger must be punctual and arrive the airport on time to clear all necessary customs and to attend the flight on time. Neither Life Travel nor Aircraft / Flight Charter Company bear any responsibility or losses caused by failure of Customer and/or Passenger to observe this clause. For the avoidance of doubt, no refund or compensation will be granted to Customer / Passenger due to their unpunctuality.
5.6 According to Directive No. 223 issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and concerning cancellation of package tours by travel agents for reasons beyond control, if a travel agent cancels a package tour because of ‘reasons beyond control’, it is allowed to collect cancellation charges (if any) and a handling fee clearly stated in information on the package tour when making refunds to the tour participants. For Directive No. 223, please visit the website of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong at www.tichk.org.
5.7 If the cancellation of flight or your incurred by ‘reasons beyond control’, Life Travel will collect cancellation charges (if any) and 20% of contract sum as handling fee while the remaining balance will be refunded by 1 month.
5.8 According to Directive No. 177, “reasons beyond control” mean hostilities, political unrest, terror attacks, natural disasters, pestilences, bad weather, technical problems to transport, changes to the frequency/timetable of any means of conveyance by its operator without advance notice, strikes, industrial action, travel advisories (warnings) issued by governments of the destinations/the World Health Organization, red/black outbound travel alerts issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and any other situations of which the industry has no control and which are unfavourable to outbound trips of travellers.
6.1 Passengers shall complete or provide necessary information and documentation for all travel documents, pet travel documents and other documents required from time-to-time under applicable law, in such form as Life Travel may require, as soon as practicable.
6.2 It is solely the all Passengers’ responsibility to ensure that properly and accurately completed travel documents are delivered and in accordance with applicable law and that all Passengers comply with the provisions of such travel documents necessary for entry/exit including, but not limited to, passports, visas and vaccination certificates.
7.1 Customer acknowledges his / her accountability in declaring the presence of dangerous or prohibited goods under applicable law for carriage in advance of each flight. Customer agrees that, unless written permission has been granted by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company and/or relevant government authorities, no dangerous or prohibited goods are to be carried onboard.
7.2 Customer agrees that no forbidden items shall be carried. Here, “Prohibited items” is defined as items listed as not permitted for permitted for carriage in the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations (edition number applicable to the time the flight is conducted) and any other substances which, during a flight, present a danger. It’s the policy of Aircraft/Flight Charter Company that each Captain is empowered to request and / or conduct security checks and decline the carriage of passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight. (For additional information, please refer to www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibiteditems.shtm).
7.3 Aircraft’s Captain is empowered to request and/or conduct security checks and decline the carriage and/or pet(s) of Passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight.
7.4 Customer and his/her agents, guests, passengers or any employee, if applicable, shall not engage in any act or possess any substance or allow cargo to contain any substance which may result in the seizure, forfeiture or unsafe used in the provision of services herein.
7.5 As there is no door between cockpit and passenger cabin, Passengers are responsible to keep their pets quiet in order to avoid any disturbance to the Captain. Captain is empowered to request the pets to put on muzzles if necessary.
7.6 Passengers must not allow their pets to foul in cabin. Passengers may consider to help their pets to put on diapers.
7.7 Extra cost of deep cleaning (about the sum of US$10,000) may be charged to Customer subject to request by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.1 Life Travel’s liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid by Customer, and any claim shall be conducted in Hong Kong in accordance to the laws of Hong Kong.
8.2 If a flight does not reach its destination due to adverse weather or technical, mechanical or operational or Force Majeure issues, Customer agrees to pay (extra) charges for the completed portion of the trip. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company does not guarantee that any alternate aircraft(s) will be available. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company will make every effort to locate a suitable alternative or return passengers to the point of departure, if required, as soon as is reasonably possible. However, Life Travel and Aircraft/Flight Charter Company reserve the right to charge Customer any extra costs that Aircraft/Flight Charter Company may incur, in addition to the Price as shown on this agreement.
8.3 Unless otherwise arranged, Pet must be travelling in a pet crate that is IATA compliant, otherwise Customers must take care of Pet and undertake that their Pet will not have any interaction with other animals or pets. Customers should carefully choose crate hardware for your pet’s crate to meet the airline requirements (Customers may opt to rent / lease the crate hardware from Life Travel). Life Travel will not be responsible for any losses and damages due to the fault or negligence of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company. Life Travel will also be not responsible for any losses and damages due to pre-existing medical conditions/diseases suffered by the Pets.
8.4 Customers are also bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.5 Customer shall hold harmless and indemnify Flight Operator and Life Travel against any all losses and damages. Customer shall be solely liable to all losses, damages and injuries caused by himself, the Passengers and the Pets, including but not limited to injuries caused by Pets to any Third Party during the Flight and the entire travelling tour.
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by Hong Kong laws and Hong Kong Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute which arises in connection with the Agreement, except that Life Travel will retain the right to refer a dispute to any other court which has jurisdiction
私人飛機寵物旅遊套票(Basic PJ)-條款及細則
“Agreement” means this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Aircraft” means any aircraft for the time being operated in connection with any Flight under the Agreement
“Aircraft/Flight Charter Company” means the company providing private jet service
“Flight” means the flight(s) described in this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Customer” means the individual or entity requesting the private jet service
“Captain” means licensed captain lawfully in charge of an aircraft
“Private Jet” means private aircraft shared by all Life Travel Limited’s customers only
“Passengers” means Customer and the companion authorized by Customer
“Pet” means dog only
“Life Travel” means “Life Travel Limited”
This Agreement is made by and among Life Travel Limited (“Life Travel”), a company organized under the laws of Hong Kong and Customer
3.1 This agreement includes round-trip ticket between the origin and the destination according to schedule detailed above.
3.2 The weight of each pet shall not exceed 10kg mentioned in this agreement or extra cost will be charged to Customer subject to approval by Life Travel and the Captain.
3.3 Baggage allowance per passenger is 15kg. Baggage should be soft-side luggage and no extra baggage is allowed.
3.4 All flights are non-smoking flights.
3.5 The flight schedule is subject to change depending on aircraft availability.
3.6 The flight may require a fuel stop depending on weather conditions including wind speed subject to Captain’s decision.
3.7 Life Travel will confirm Customer if the flight is available two months before the above Tentative Departure Date. Otherwise, full payment will be refunded by 1 month.
3.8 Life Travel will provide the tentative flight schedule at least 1 month before departure date from Hong Kong and will announce the final flight schedule around 2 weeks before departure date from Hong Kong.
3.9 The expiry period of this Pet Travel Agreement is 1 year from the date of this agreement.
3.10 If Life Travel cannot arrange hotel accommodation according to this Agreement, Customer can choose other hotel which costs under $2,500 per night or Customer has to pay the balance.
3.11 If Customer purchases civil air ticket which may either be CX or HX at the same time, the validity will be the same as the schedule of private jet and Customer is responsible to submit the name of passenger 2 months before the schedule of private jet.
4.1 This agreement excludes any additional or special catering or special cleaning service.
4.2 This Pet Travel Agreement is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
4.3 Life Travel reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate this Pet Travel Agreement including these terms and conditions, at any time, without notice.
5.1 If Customer initiates cancellation of flight, no refund will be granted.
5.2 Under the safety system followed by the Captain, it reserves the right to terminate a flight or not commence a flight if the flight is jeopardized, without liability for loss, injury, damage or delay.
5.3 When a delay is caused by government regulation or authority, including the refusal, untimely granting or withdrawal of authorization and permits required for the performance of the Flight, mechanical difficulty, war, civil commotion, sickness, strikes or labor dispute, weather conditions, quarantine or any event that is unforeseen and from which the occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented or avoided by Life Travel or the Captain, neither Life Travel nor the Captain, shall be held responsible for such delay or failure to furnish transportation pursuant to booking.
5.4 If Life Travel initiates to cancel the flight for any reasons, this agreement shall be extended by one year or refunded after deducting the service charge of all the services provided, subject to Customer’s decision.
5.5 Customer and/or Passenger must be punctual and arrive the airport on time to clear all necessary customs and to attend the flight on time. Neither Life Travel nor Aircraft / Flight Charter Company bear any responsibility or losses caused by failure of Customer and/or Passenger to observe this clause. For the avoidance of doubt, no refund or compensation will be granted to Customer / Passenger due to their unpunctuality.
5.6 According to Directive No. 223 issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and concerning cancellation of package tours by travel agents for reasons beyond control, if a travel agent cancels a package tour because of ‘reasons beyond control’, it is allowed to collect cancellation charges (if any) and a handling fee clearly stated in information on the package tour when making refunds to the tour participants. For Directive No. 223, please visit the website of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong at www.tichk.org.
5.7 If the cancellation of flight or your incurred by ‘reasons beyond control’, Life Travel will collect cancellation charges (if any) and 20% of contract sum as handling fee while the remaining balance will be refunded by 1 month.
5.8 According to Directive No. 177, “reasons beyond control” mean hostilities, political unrest, terror attacks, natural disasters, pestilences, bad weather, technical problems to transport, changes to the frequency/timetable of any means of conveyance by its operator without advance notice, strikes, industrial action, travel advisories (warnings) issued by governments of the destinations/the World Health Organization, red/black outbound travel alerts issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and any other situations of which the industry has no control and which are unfavourable to outbound trips of travellers.
6.1 Passengers shall complete or provide necessary information and documentation for all travel documents, pet travel documents and other documents required from time-to-time under applicable law, in such form as Life Travel may require, as soon as practicable.
6.2 It is solely the all Passengers’ responsibility to ensure that properly and accurately completed travel documents are delivered and in accordance with applicable law and that all Passengers comply with the provisions of such travel documents necessary for entry/exit including, but not limited to, passports, visas and vaccination certificates.
7.1 Customer acknowledges his / her accountability in declaring the presence of dangerous or prohibited goods under applicable law for carriage in advance of each flight. Customer agrees that, unless written permission has been granted by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company and/or relevant government authorities, no dangerous or prohibited goods are to be carried onboard.
7.2 Customer agrees that no forbidden items shall be carried. Here, “Prohibited items” is defined as items listed as not permitted for permitted for carriage in the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations (edition number applicable to the time the flight is conducted) and any other substances which, during a flight, present a danger. It’s the policy of Aircraft/Flight Charter Company that each Captain is empowered to request and / or conduct security checks and decline the carriage of passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight. (For additional information, please refer to www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibiteditems.shtm).
7.3 Aircraft’s Captain is empowered to request and/or conduct security checks and decline the carriage and/or pet(s) of Passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight.
7.4 Customer and his/her agents, guests, passengers or any employee, if applicable, shall not engage in any act or possess any substance or allow cargo to contain any substance which may result in the seizure, forfeiture or unsafe used in the provision of services herein.
7.5 As there is no door between cockpit and passenger cabin, Passengers are responsible to keep their pets quiet in order to avoid any disturbance to the Captain. Captain is empowered to request the pets to put on muzzles if necessary.
7.6 Passengers must not allow their pets to foul in cabin. Passengers may consider to help their pets to put on diapers.
7.7 Extra cost of deep cleaning (about the sum of US$10,000) may be charged to Customer subject to request by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.1 Life Travel’s liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid by Customer, and any claim shall be conducted in Hong Kong in accordance to the laws of Hong Kong.
8.2 If a flight does not reach its destination due to adverse weather or technical, mechanical or operational or Force Majeure issues, Customer agrees to pay (extra) charges for the completed portion of the trip. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company does not guarantee that any alternate aircraft(s) will be available. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company will make every effort to locate a suitable alternative or return passengers to the point of departure, if required, as soon as is reasonably possible. However, Life Travel and Aircraft/Flight Charter Company reserve the right to charge Customer any extra costs that Aircraft/Flight Charter Company may incur, in addition to the Price as shown on this agreement.
8.3 Unless otherwise arranged, Pet must be travelling in a pet crate that is IATA compliant, otherwise Customers must take care of Pet and undertake that their Pet will not have any interaction with other animals or pets. Customers should carefully choose crate hardware for your pet’s crate to meet the airline requirements (Customers may opt to rent / lease the crate hardware from Life Travel). Life Travel will not be responsible for any losses and damages due to the fault or negligence of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company. Life Travel will also be not responsible for any losses and damages due to pre-existing medical conditions/diseases suffered by the Pets.
8.4 Customers are also bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.5 Customer shall hold harmless and indemnify Flight Operator and Life Travel against any all losses and damages. Customer shall be solely liable to all losses, damages and injuries caused by himself, the Passengers and the Pets, including but not limited to injuries caused by Pets to any Third Party during the Flight and the entire travelling tour.
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by Hong Kong laws and Hong Kong Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute which arises in connection with the Agreement, except that Life Travel will retain the right to refer a dispute to any other court which has jurisdiction
私人飛機寵物旅遊機票(Advance PJ)-條款及細則
“Agreement” means this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Aircraft” means any aircraft for the time being operated in connection with any Flight under the Agreement
“Aircraft/Flight Charter Company” means the company providing private jet service
“Flight” means the flight(s) described in this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Customer” means the individual or entity requesting the private jet service
“Captain” means licensed captain lawfully in charge of an aircraft
“Private Jet” means private aircraft shared by all Life Travel Limited’s customers only
“Passengers” means Customer and the companion authorized by Customer
“Pet” means dog only
“Life Travel” means “Life Travel Limited”
This Agreement is made by and among Life Travel Limited (“Life Travel”), a company organized under the laws of Hong Kong and Customer
3.1 This agreement includes round-trip ticket between the origin and the destination according to schedule detailed above.
3.2 The weight of each pet shall not exceed 15kg mentioned in this agreement or extra cost will be charged to Customer subject to approval by Life Travel and the Captain.
3.3 Baggage allowance per passenger is 20kg. Baggage should be soft-side luggage and no extra baggage is allowed.
3.4 All flights are non-smoking flights.
3.5 The flight schedule is subject to change depending on aircraft availability.
3.6 The flight may require a fuel stop depending on weather conditions including wind speed subject to Captain’s decision.
3.7 Life Travel will confirm Customer if the flight is available two months before the above Tentative Departure Date. Otherwise, full payment will be refunded by 1 month.
3.8 Life Travel will provide the tentative flight schedule at least 1 month before departure date from Hong Kong and will announce the final flight schedule around 2 weeks before departure date from Hong Kong.
3.9 The expiry period of this Pet Travel Agreement is 1 year from the date of this agreement.
3.10 Customer is responsible to arrange hotel accommodation at his/her own expenses.
3.11 If Customer purchases civil air ticket which may either be CX or HX at the same time, the validity will be the same as the schedule of private jet and Customer is responsible to submit the name of passenger 2 months before the schedule of private jet.
4.1 This agreement excludes any additional or special catering or special cleaning service.
4.2 This Pet Travel Agreement is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
4.3 Life Travel reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate this Pet Travel Agreement including these terms and conditions, at any time, without notice.
5.1 If Customer initiates cancellation of flight, no refund will be granted.
5.2 Under the safety system followed by the Captain, it reserves the right to terminate a flight or not commence a flight if the flight is jeopardized, without liability for loss, injury, damage or delay.
5.3 When a delay is caused by government regulation or authority, including the refusal, untimely granting or withdrawal of authorization and permits required for the performance of the Flight, mechanical difficulty, war, civil commotion, sickness, strikes or labor dispute, weather conditions, quarantine or any event that is unforeseen and from which the occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented or avoided by Life Travel or the Captain, neither Life Travel nor the Captain, shall be held responsible for such delay or failure to furnish transportation pursuant to booking.
5.4 If Life Travel initiates to cancel the flight for any reasons, this agreement shall be extended by one year or refunded after deducting the service charge of all the services provided, subject to Customer’s decision.
5.5 Customer and/or Passenger must be punctual and arrive the airport on time to clear all necessary customs and to attend the flight on time. Neither Life Travel nor Aircraft / Flight Charter Company bear any responsibility or losses caused by failure of Customer and/or Passenger to observe this clause. For the avoidance of doubt, no refund or compensation will be granted to Customer / Passenger due to their unpunctuality.
5.6 According to Directive No. 223 issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and concerning cancellation of package tours by travel agents for reasons beyond control, if a travel agent cancels a package tour because of ‘reasons beyond control’, it is allowed to collect cancellation charges (if any) and a handling fee clearly stated in information on the package tour when making refunds to the tour participants. For Directive No. 223, please visit the website of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong at www.tichk.org.
5.7 If the cancellation of flight or your incurred by ‘reasons beyond control’, Life Travel will collect cancellation charges (if any) and 20% of contract sum as handling fee while the remaining balance will be refunded by 1 month.
5.8 According to Directive No. 177, “reasons beyond control” mean hostilities, political unrest, terror attacks, natural disasters, pestilences, bad weather, technical problems to transport, changes to the frequency/timetable of any means of conveyance by its operator without advance notice, strikes, industrial action, travel advisories (warnings) issued by governments of the destinations/the World Health Organization, red/black outbound travel alerts issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and any other situations of which the industry has no control and which are unfavourable to outbound trips of travellers.
6.1 Passengers shall complete or provide necessary information and documentation for all travel documents, pet travel documents and other documents required from time-to-time under applicable law, in such form as Life Travel may require, as soon as practicable.
6.2 It is solely the all Passengers’ responsibility to ensure that properly and accurately completed travel documents are delivered and in accordance with applicable law and that all Passengers comply with the provisions of such travel documents necessary for entry/exit including, but not limited to, passports, visas and vaccination certificates.
7.1 Customer acknowledges his / her accountability in declaring the presence of dangerous or prohibited goods under applicable law for carriage in advance of each flight. Customer agrees that, unless written permission has been granted by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company and/or relevant government authorities, no dangerous or prohibited goods are to be carried onboard.
7.2 Customer agrees that no forbidden items shall be carried. Here, “Prohibited items” is defined as items listed as not permitted for permitted for carriage in the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations (edition number applicable to the time the flight is conducted) and any other substances which, during a flight, present a danger. It’s the policy of Aircraft/Flight Charter Company that each Captain is empowered to request and / or conduct security checks and decline the carriage of passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight. (For additional information, please refer to www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibiteditems.shtm).
7.3 Aircraft’s Captain is empowered to request and/or conduct security checks and decline the carriage and/or pet(s) of Passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight.
7.4 Customer and his/her agents, guests, passengers or any employee, if applicable, shall not engage in any act or possess any substance or allow cargo to contain any substance which may result in the seizure, forfeiture or unsafe used in the provision of services herein.
7.5 As there is no door between cockpit and passenger cabin, Passengers are responsible to keep their pets quiet in order to avoid any disturbance to the Captain. Captain is empowered to request the pets to put on muzzles if necessary.
7.6 Passengers must not allow their pets to foul in cabin. Passengers may consider to help their pets to put on diapers.
7.7 Extra cost of deep cleaning (about the sum of US$10,000) may be charged to Customer subject to request by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.1 Life Travel’s liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid by Customer, and any claim shall be conducted in Hong Kong in accordance to the laws of Hong Kong.
8.2 If a flight does not reach its destination due to adverse weather or technical, mechanical or operational or Force Majeure issues, Customer agrees to pay (extra) charges for the completed portion of the trip. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company does not guarantee that any alternate aircraft(s) will be available. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company will make every effort to locate a suitable alternative or return passengers to the point of departure, if required, as soon as is reasonably possible. However, Life Travel and Aircraft/Flight Charter Company reserve the right to charge Customer any extra costs that Aircraft/Flight Charter Company may incur, in addition to the Price as shown on this agreement.
8.3 Unless otherwise arranged, Pet must be travelling in a pet crate that is IATA compliant, otherwise Customers must take care of Pet and undertake that their Pet will not have any interaction with other animals or pets. Customers should carefully choose crate hardware for your pet’s crate to meet the airline requirements (Customers may opt to rent / lease the crate hardware from Life Travel). Life Travel will not be responsible for any losses and damages due to the fault or negligence of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company. Life Travel will also be not responsible for any losses and damages due to pre-existing medical conditions/diseases suffered by the Pets.
8.4 Customers are also bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.5 Customer shall hold harmless and indemnify Flight Operator and Life Travel against any all losses and damages. Customer shall be solely liable to all losses, damages and injuries caused by himself, the Passengers and the Pets, including but not limited to injuries caused by Pets to any Third Party during the Flight and the entire travelling tour.
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by Hong Kong laws and Hong Kong Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute which arises in connection with the Agreement, except that Life Travel will retain the right to refer a dispute to any other court which has jurisdiction.
私人飛機寵物旅遊套票(Advance PJ)-條款及細則
“Agreement” means this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Aircraft” means any aircraft for the time being operated in connection with any Flight under the Agreement
“Aircraft/Flight Charter Company” means the company providing private jet service
“Flight” means the flight(s) described in this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Customer” means the individual or entity requesting the private jet service
“Captain” means licensed captain lawfully in charge of an aircraft
“Private Jet” means private aircraft shared by all Life Travel Limited’s customers only
“Passengers” means Customer and the companion authorized by Customer
“Pet” means dog only
“Life Travel” means “Life Travel Limited”
This Agreement is made by and among Life Travel Limited (“Life Travel”), a company organized under the laws of Hong Kong and Customer
3.1 This agreement includes round-trip ticket between the origin and the destination according to schedule detailed above.
3.2 The weight of each pet shall not exceed 15kg mentioned in this agreement or extra cost will be charged to Customer subject to approval by Life Travel and the Captain.
3.3 Baggage allowance per passenger is 20kg. Baggage should be soft-side luggage and no extra baggage is allowed.
3.4 All flights are non-smoking flights.
3.5 The flight schedule is subject to change depending on aircraft availability.
3.6 The flight may require a fuel stop depending on weather conditions including wind speed subject to Captain’s decision.
3.7 Life Travel will confirm Customer if the flight is available two months before the above Tentative Departure Date. Otherwise, full payment will be refunded by 1 month.
3.8 Life Travel will provide the tentative flight schedule at least 1 month before departure date from Hong Kong and will announce the final flight schedule around 2 weeks before departure date from Hong Kong.
3.9 The expiry period of this Pet Travel Agreement is 1 year from the date of this agreement.
3.10 If Life Travel cannot arrange hotel accommodation according to this Agreement, Customer can choose other hotel which costs under $2,500 per night or Customer has to pay the balance.
3.11 If Customer purchases civil air ticket which may either be CX or HX at the same time, the validity will be the same as the schedule of private jet and Customer is responsible to submit the name of passenger 2 months before the schedule of private jet.
4.1 This agreement excludes any additional or special catering or special cleaning service.
4.2 This Pet Travel Agreement is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
4.3 Life Travel reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate this Pet Travel Agreement including these terms and conditions, at any time, without notice.
5.1 If Customer initiates cancellation of flight, no refund will be granted.
5.2 Under the safety system followed by the Captain, it reserves the right to terminate a flight or not commence a flight if the flight is jeopardized, without liability for loss, injury, damage or delay.
5.3 When a delay is caused by government regulation or authority, including the refusal, untimely granting or withdrawal of authorization and permits required for the performance of the Flight, mechanical difficulty, war, civil commotion, sickness, strikes or labor dispute, weather conditions, quarantine or any event that is unforeseen and from which the occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented or avoided by Life Travel or the Captain, neither Life Travel nor the Captain, shall be held responsible for such delay or failure to furnish transportation pursuant to booking.
5.4 If Life Travel initiates to cancel the flight for any reasons, this agreement shall be extended by one year or refunded after deducting the service charge of all the services provided, subject to Customer’s decision.
5.5 Customer and/or Passenger must be punctual and arrive the airport on time to clear all necessary customs and to attend the flight on time. Neither Life Travel nor Aircraft / Flight Charter Company bear any responsibility or losses caused by failure of Customer and/or Passenger to observe this clause. For the avoidance of doubt, no refund or compensation will be granted to Customer / Passenger due to their unpunctuality.
5.6 According to Directive No. 223 issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and concerning cancellation of package tours by travel agents for reasons beyond control, if a travel agent cancels a package tour because of ‘reasons beyond control’, it is allowed to collect cancellation charges (if any) and a handling fee clearly stated in information on the package tour when making refunds to the tour participants. For Directive No. 223, please visit the website of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong at www.tichk.org.
5.7 If the cancellation of flight or your incurred by ‘reasons beyond control’, Life Travel will collect cancellation charges (if any) and 20% of contract sum as handling fee while the remaining balance will be refunded by 1 month.
5.8 According to Directive No. 177, “reasons beyond control” mean hostilities, political unrest, terror attacks, natural disasters, pestilences, bad weather, technical problems to transport, changes to the frequency/timetable of any means of conveyance by its operator without advance notice, strikes, industrial action, travel advisories (warnings) issued by governments of the destinations/the World Health Organization, red/black outbound travel alerts issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and any other situations of which the industry has no control and which are unfavourable to outbound trips of travellers.
6.1 Passengers shall complete or provide necessary information and documentation for all travel documents, pet travel documents and other documents required from time-to-time under applicable law, in such form as Life Travel may require, as soon as practicable.
6.2 It is solely the all Passengers’ responsibility to ensure that properly and accurately completed travel documents are delivered and in accordance with applicable law and that all Passengers comply with the provisions of such travel documents necessary for entry/exit including, but not limited to, passports, visas and vaccination certificates.
7.1 Customer acknowledges his / her accountability in declaring the presence of dangerous or prohibited goods under applicable law for carriage in advance of each flight. Customer agrees that, unless written permission has been granted by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company and/or relevant government authorities, no dangerous or prohibited goods are to be carried onboard.
7.2 Customer agrees that no forbidden items shall be carried. Here, “Prohibited items” is defined as items listed as not permitted for permitted for carriage in the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations (edition number applicable to the time the flight is conducted) and any other substances which, during a flight, present a danger. It’s the policy of Aircraft/Flight Charter Company that each Captain is empowered to request and / or conduct security checks and decline the carriage of passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight. (For additional information, please refer to www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibiteditems.shtm).
7.3 Aircraft’s Captain is empowered to request and/or conduct security checks and decline the carriage and/or pet(s) of Passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight.
7.4 Customer and his/her agents, guests, passengers or any employee, if applicable, shall not engage in any act or possess any substance or allow cargo to contain any substance which may result in the seizure, forfeiture or unsafe used in the provision of services herein.
7.5 As there is no door between cockpit and passenger cabin, Passengers are responsible to keep their pets quiet in order to avoid any disturbance to the Captain. Captain is empowered to request the pets to put on muzzles if necessary.
7.6 Passengers must not allow their pets to foul in cabin. Passengers may consider to help their pets to put on diapers.
7.7 Extra cost of deep cleaning (about the sum of US$10,000) may be charged to Customer subject to request by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.1 Life Travel’s liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid by Customer, and any claim shall be conducted in Hong Kong in accordance to the laws of Hong Kong.
8.2 If a flight does not reach its destination due to adverse weather or technical, mechanical or operational or Force Majeure issues, Customer agrees to pay (extra) charges for the completed portion of the trip. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company does not guarantee that any alternate aircraft(s) will be available. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company will make every effort to locate a suitable alternative or return passengers to the point of departure, if required, as soon as is reasonably possible. However, Life Travel and Aircraft/Flight Charter Company reserve the right to charge Customer any extra costs that Aircraft/Flight Charter Company may incur, in addition to the Price as shown on this agreement.
8.3 Unless otherwise arranged, Pet must be travelling in a pet crate that is IATA compliant, otherwise Customers must take care of Pet and undertake that their Pet will not have any interaction with other animals or pets. Customers should carefully choose crate hardware for your pet’s crate to meet the airline requirements (Customers may opt to rent / lease the crate hardware from Life Travel). Life Travel will not be responsible for any losses and damages due to the fault or negligence of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company. Life Travel will also be not responsible for any losses and damages due to pre-existing medical conditions/diseases suffered by the Pets.
8.4 Customers are also bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.5 Customer shall hold harmless and indemnify Flight Operator and Life Travel against any all losses and damages. Customer shall be solely liable to all losses, damages and injuries caused by himself, the Passengers and the Pets, including but not limited to injuries caused by Pets to any Third Party during the Flight and the entire travelling tour.
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by Hong Kong laws and Hong Kong Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute which arises in connection with the Agreement, except that Life Travel will retain the right to refer a dispute to any other court which has jurisdiction.
私人飛機寵物旅遊機票(Premium PJ)-條款及細則
“Agreement” means this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Aircraft” means any aircraft for the time being operated in connection with any Flight under the Agreement
“Aircraft/Flight Charter Company” means the company providing private jet service
“Flight” means the flight(s) described in this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Customer” means the individual or entity requesting the private jet service
“Captain” means licensed captain lawfully in charge of an aircraft
“Private Jet” means private aircraft shared by all Life Travel Limited’s customers only
“Passengers” means Customer and the companion authorized by Customer
“Pet” means dog only
“Life Travel” means “Life Travel Limited”
This Agreement is made by and among Life Travel Limited (“Life Travel”), a company organized under the laws of Hong Kong and Customer
3.1 This agreement includes round-trip ticket between the origin and the destination according to schedule detailed above.
3.2 The weight of each pet shall not exceed 40kg mentioned in this agreement or extra cost will be charged to Customer subject to approval by Life Travel and the Captain.
3.3 Baggage allowance per passenger is 32kg. Baggage should be soft-side luggage and no extra baggage is allowed.
3.4 All flights are non-smoking flights.
3.5 The flight schedule is subject to change depending on aircraft availability.
3.6 The flight may require a fuel stop depending on weather conditions including wind speed subject to Captain’s decision.
3.7 Life Travel will provide the tentative flight schedule at least 1 month before departure date from Hong Kong and will announce the final flight schedule around 2 weeks before departure date from Hong Kong.
3.8 The expiry period of this Pet Travel Agreement is 1 year from the date of this agreement.
3.9 Customer is responsible to arrange hotel accommodation at his/her own expenses.
3.10 If Customer purchases civil air ticket which may either be CX or HX at the same time, the validity will be the same as the schedule of private jet and Customer is responsible to submit the name of passenger 2 months before the schedule of private jet.
4.1 This agreement excludes any additional or special catering or special cleaning service.
4.2 This Pet Travel Agreement is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
4.3 Life Travel reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate this Pet Travel Agreement including these terms and conditions, at any time, without notice.
5.1 If Customer initiates cancellation of flight, no refund will be granted.
5.2 Under the safety system followed by the Captain, it reserves the right to terminate a flight or not commence a flight if the flight is jeopardized, without liability for loss, injury, damage or delay.
5.3 When a delay is caused by government regulation or authority, including the refusal, untimely granting or withdrawal of authorization and permits required for the performance of the Flight, mechanical difficulty, war, civil commotion, sickness, strikes or labor dispute, weather conditions, quarantine or any event that is unforeseen and from which the occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented or avoided by Life Travel or the Captain, neither Life Travel nor the Captain, shall be held responsible for such delay or failure to furnish transportation pursuant to booking.
5.4 If Life Travel initiates to cancel the flight for any reasons, this agreement shall be extended by one year or refunded after deducting the service charge of all the services provided, subject to Customer’s decision.
5.5 Customer and/or Passenger must be punctual and arrive the airport on time to clear all necessary customs and to attend the flight on time. Neither Life Travel nor Aircraft / Flight Charter Company bear any responsibility or losses caused by failure of Customer and/or Passenger to observe this clause. For the avoidance of doubt, no refund or compensation will be granted to Customer / Passenger due to their unpunctuality.
5.6 According to Directive No. 223 issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and concerning cancellation of package tours by travel agents for reasons beyond control, if a travel agent cancels a package tour because of ‘reasons beyond control’, it is allowed to collect cancellation charges (if any) and a handling fee clearly stated in information on the package tour when making refunds to the tour participants. For Directive No. 223, please visit the website of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong at www.tichk.org.
5.7 If the cancellation of flight or your incurred by ‘reasons beyond control’, Life Travel will collect cancellation charges (if any) and 20% of contract sum as handling fee while the remaining balance will be refunded by 1 month.
5.8 According to Directive No. 177, “reasons beyond control” mean hostilities, political unrest, terror attacks, natural disasters, pestilences, bad weather, technical problems to transport, changes to the frequency/timetable of any means of conveyance by its operator without advance notice, strikes, industrial action, travel advisories (warnings) issued by governments of the destinations/the World Health Organization, red/black outbound travel alerts issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and any other situations of which the industry has no control and which are unfavourable to outbound trips of travellers.
6.1 Passengers shall complete or provide necessary information and documentation for all travel documents, pet travel documents and other documents required from time-to-time under applicable law, in such form as Life Travel may require, as soon as practicable.
6.2 It is solely the all Passengers’ responsibility to ensure that properly and accurately completed travel documents are delivered and in accordance with applicable law and that all Passengers comply with the provisions of such travel documents necessary for entry/exit including, but not limited to, passports, visas and vaccination certificates.
7.1 Customer acknowledges his / her accountability in declaring the presence of dangerous or prohibited goods under applicable law for carriage in advance of each flight. Customer agrees that, unless written permission has been granted by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company and/or relevant government authorities, no dangerous or prohibited goods are to be carried onboard.
7.2 Customer agrees that no forbidden items shall be carried. Here, “Prohibited items” is defined as items listed as not permitted for permitted for carriage in the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations (edition number applicable to the time the flight is conducted) and any other substances which, during a flight, present a danger. It’s the policy of Aircraft/Flight Charter Company that each Captain is empowered to request and / or conduct security checks and decline the carriage of passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight. (For additional information, please refer to www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibiteditems.shtm).
7.3 Aircraft’s Captain is empowered to request and/or conduct security checks and decline the carriage and/or pet(s) of Passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight.
7.4 Customer and his/her agents, guests, passengers or any employee, if applicable, shall not engage in any act or possess any substance or allow cargo to contain any substance which may result in the seizure, forfeiture or unsafe used in the provision of services herein.
7.5 As there is no door between cockpit and passenger cabin, Passengers are responsible to keep their pets quiet in order to avoid any disturbance to the Captain. Captain is empowered to request the pets to put on muzzles if necessary.
7.6 Passengers must not allow their pets to foul in cabin. Passengers may consider to help their pets to put on diapers.
7.7 Extra cost of deep cleaning (about the sum of US$10,000) may be charged to Customer subject to request by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.1 Life Travel’s liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid by Customer, and any claim shall be conducted in Hong Kong in accordance to the laws of Hong Kong.
8.2 If a flight does not reach its destination due to adverse weather or technical, mechanical or operational or Force Majeure issues, Customer agrees to pay (extra) charges for the completed portion of the trip. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company does not guarantee that any alternate aircraft(s) will be available. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company will make every effort to locate a suitable alternative or return passengers to the point of departure, if required, as soon as is reasonably possible. However, Life Travel and Aircraft/Flight Charter Company reserve the right to charge Customer any extra costs that Aircraft/Flight Charter Company may incur, in addition to the Price as shown on this agreement.
8.3 Unless otherwise arranged, Pet must be travelling in a pet crate that is IATA compliant, otherwise Customers must take care of Pet and undertake that their Pet will not have any interaction with other animals or pets. Customers should carefully choose crate hardware for your pet’s crate to meet the airline requirements (Customers may opt to rent / lease the crate hardware from Life Travel). Life Travel will not be responsible for any losses and damages due to the fault or negligence of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company. Life Travel will also be not responsible for any losses and damages due to pre-existing medical conditions/diseases suffered by the Pets.
8.4 Customers are also bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.5 Customer shall hold harmless and indemnify Flight Operator and Life Travel against any all losses and damages. Customer shall be solely liable to all losses, damages and injuries caused by himself, the Passengers and the Pets, including but not limited to injuries caused by Pets to any Third Party during the Flight and the entire travelling tour.
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by Hong Kong laws and Hong Kong Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute which arises in connection with the Agreement, except that Life Travel will retain the right to refer a dispute to any other court which has jurisdiction.
私人飛機寵物旅遊套票(Premium PJ)-條款及細則
“Agreement” means this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Aircraft” means any aircraft for the time being operated in connection with any Flight under the Agreement
“Aircraft/Flight Charter Company” means the company providing private jet service
“Flight” means the flight(s) described in this “Pet Travel Agreement”
“Customer” means the individual or entity requesting the private jet service
“Captain” means licensed captain lawfully in charge of an aircraft
“Private Jet” means private aircraft shared by all Life Travel Limited’s customers only
“Passengers” means Customer and the companion authorized by Customer
“Pet” means dog only
“Life Travel” means “Life Travel Limited”
This Agreement is made by and among Life Travel Limited (“Life Travel”), a company organized under the laws of Hong Kong and Customer
3.1 This agreement includes round-trip ticket between the origin and the destination according to schedule detailed above.
3.2 The weight of each pet shall not exceed the weight mentioned in this agreement or extra cost will be charged to Customer subject to approval by Life Travel and the Captain.
3.3 Baggage allowance per passenger is 32kg. Baggage should be soft-side luggage and no extra baggage is allowed.
3.4 The weight of pet should not exceed 40kg or extra cost will be charged.
3.5 All flights are non-smoking flights.
3.6 The flight schedule is subject to change depending on aircraft availability.
3.7 The flight may require a fuel stop depending on weather conditions including wind speed subject to Captain’s decision.
3.8 Life Travel will provide the tentative flight schedule at least 1 month before departure date from Hong Kong and will announce the final flight schedule around 2 weeks before departure date from Hong Kong.
3.9 If Life Travel cannot arrange hotel accommodation according to this Agreement, Customer can choose other hotel which costs under $2,500 per night or Customer has to pay the balance.
3.10 The expiry period of this Pet Travel Agreement is 1 year from the date of this agreement.
3.11 If Customer purchases civil air ticket which may either be CX or HX at the same time, the validity will be the same as the schedule of private jet and Customer is responsible to submit the name of passenger 2 months before the schedule of private jet.
4.1 This agreement excludes any additional or special catering or special cleaning service.
4.2 This Pet Travel Agreement is non-transferrable and non-refundable.
4.3 Life Travel reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate this Pet Travel Agreement including these terms and conditions, at any time, without notice.
5.1 If Customer initiates cancellation of flight, no refund will be granted.
5.2 Under the safety system followed by the Captain, it reserves the right to terminate a flight or not commence a flight if the flight is jeopardized, without liability for loss, injury, damage or delay.
5.3 When a delay is caused by government regulation or authority, including the refusal, untimely granting or withdrawal of authorization and permits required for the performance of the Flight, mechanical difficulty, war, civil commotion, sickness, strikes or labor dispute, weather conditions, quarantine or any event that is unforeseen and from which the occurrence and consequences cannot be prevented or avoided by Life Travel or the Captain, neither Life Travel nor the Captain, shall be held responsible for such delay or failure to furnish transportation pursuant to booking.
5.4 If Life Travel initiates to cancel the flight for any reasons, this agreement shall be extended by one year or refunded after deducting the service charge of all the services provided, subject to Customer’s decision.
5.5 Customer and/or Passenger must be punctual and arrive the airport on time to clear all necessary customs and to attend the flight on time. Neither Life Travel nor Aircraft / Flight Charter Company bear any responsibility or losses caused by failure of Customer and/or Passenger to observe this clause. For the avoidance of doubt, no refund or compensation will be granted to Customer / Passenger due to their unpunctuality.
5.6 According to Directive No. 223 issued by the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and concerning cancellation of package tours by travel agents for reasons beyond control, if a travel agent cancels a package tour because of ‘reasons beyond control’, it is allowed to collect cancellation charges (if any) and a handling fee clearly stated in information on the package tour when making refunds to the tour participants. For Directive No. 223, please visit the website of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong at www.tichk.org.
5.7 If the cancellation of flight or your incurred by ‘reasons beyond control’, Life Travel will collect cancellation charges (if any) and 20% of contract sum as handling fee while the remaining balance will be refunded by 1 month.
5.8 According to Directive No. 177, “reasons beyond control” mean hostilities, political unrest, terror attacks, natural disasters, pestilences, bad weather, technical problems to transport, changes to the frequency/timetable of any means of conveyance by its operator without advance notice, strikes, industrial action, travel advisories (warnings) issued by governments of the destinations/the World Health Organization, red/black outbound travel alerts issued by the Hong Kong SAR Government, and any other situations of which the industry has no control and which are unfavourable to outbound trips of travellers.
6.1 Passengers shall complete or provide necessary information and documentation for all travel documents, pet travel documents and other documents required from time-to-time under applicable law, in such form as Life Travel may require, as soon as practicable.
6.2 It is solely the all Passengers’ responsibility to ensure that properly and accurately completed travel documents are delivered and in accordance with applicable law and that all Passengers comply with the provisions of such travel documents necessary for entry/exit including, but not limited to, passports, visas and vaccination certificates.
7.1 Customer acknowledges his / her accountability in declaring the presence of dangerous or prohibited goods under applicable law for carriage in advance of each flight. Customer agrees that, unless written permission has been granted by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company and/or relevant government authorities, no dangerous or prohibited goods are to be carried onboard.
7.2 Customer agrees that no forbidden items shall be carried. Here, “Prohibited items” is defined as items listed as not permitted for permitted for carriage in the IATA Dangerous Good Regulations (edition number applicable to the time the flight is conducted) and any other substances which, during a flight, present a danger. It’s the policy of Aircraft/Flight Charter Company that each Captain is empowered to request and / or conduct security checks and decline the carriage of passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight. (For additional information, please refer to www.tsa.gov/travelers/airtravel/prohibiteditems.shtm).
7.3 Aircraft’s Captain is empowered to request and/or conduct security checks and decline the carriage and/or pet(s) of Passengers or goods if he/she considers that it is necessary for the safe and secure conduct of the flight.
7.4 Customer and his/her agents, guests, passengers or any employee, if applicable, shall not engage in any act or possess any substance or allow cargo to contain any substance which may result in the seizure, forfeiture or unsafe used in the provision of services herein.
7.5 As there is no door between cockpit and passenger cabin, Passengers are responsible to keep their pets quiet in order to avoid any disturbance to the Captain. Captain is empowered to request the pets to put on muzzles if necessary.
7.6 Passengers must not allow their pets to foul in cabin. Passengers may consider to help their pets to put on diapers.
7.7 Extra cost of deep cleaning (about the sum of US$10,000) may be charged to Customer subject to request by Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.1 Life Travel’s liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid by Customer, and any claim shall be conducted in Hong Kong in accordance to the laws of Hong Kong.
8.2 If a flight does not reach its destination due to adverse weather or technical, mechanical or operational or Force Majeure issues, Customer agrees to pay (extra) charges for the completed portion of the trip. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company does not guarantee that any alternate aircraft(s) will be available. Aircraft/Flight Charter Company will make every effort to locate a suitable alternative or return passengers to the point of departure, if required, as soon as is reasonably possible. However, Life Travel and Aircraft/Flight Charter Company reserve the right to charge Customer any extra costs that Aircraft/Flight Charter Company may incur, in addition to the Price as shown on this agreement.
8.3 Unless otherwise arranged, Pet must be travelling in a pet crate that is IATA compliant, otherwise Customers must take care of Pet and undertake that their Pet will not have any interaction with other animals or pets. Customers should carefully choose crate hardware for your pet’s crate to meet the airline requirements (Customers may opt to rent / lease the crate hardware from Life Travel). Life Travel will not be responsible for any losses and damages due to the fault or negligence of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company. Life Travel will also be not responsible for any losses and damages due to pre-existing medical conditions/diseases suffered by the Pets.
8.4 Customers are also bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Aircraft/Flight Charter Company.
8.5 Customer shall hold harmless and indemnify Flight Operator and Life Travel against any all losses and damages. Customer shall be solely liable to all losses, damages and injuries caused by himself, the Passengers and the Pets, including but not limited to injuries caused by Pets to any Third Party during the Flight and the entire travelling tour.
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by Hong Kong laws and Hong Kong Courts have exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute which arises in connection with the Agreement, except that Life Travel will retain the right to refer a dispute to any other court which has jurisdiction.
- 「出發前寵物評估、諮詢及文件代辦手續」必須於本協議書簽發日起計1年內使用。
- 此協議書由簽發日計2年內有效。客人須於出發日期前最少150日預訂機票和酒店住宿。
- 機票及酒店一經確認訂妥,概不可更改日期、航線及辦理退款。
- 若客人於由購買日起計7天內並未使用以上任何服務而要求退款,本公司將會收取HK$8,000行政費,將餘款於1個月內以支票形式退回客人戶口。客人於購買日起計7天後不得要求退款。
- 本優惠套票只適用於非旺季日子 (請參考「Life Travel 香港和日本旺季日曆」內白色底色的日子)和回程日子不可以是星期六或星期日
或日本公眾假期(請參考「Life Travel 香港和日本旺季日曆」內綠色外框的日子)。
- 如去程或/和回程日子是「Life Travel香港和日本旺季日曆」內黃色底色的日子(香港旺季日子),每位成人需繳機票額外附加費,
- 本優惠套票只適用於本公司指定航班。
- 如套票為全日空航空公司(ANA)機票,而寵物是全日空航空公司(ANA)定義為扁鼻狗種,由2018年起,寵物不能於5月1日至10月31日運送。
- 本優惠套票包括兩位成人機票,兩人必須同去同返。
- 經濟客艙機票和商務客艙機票已包8日來回期。如需延長機票至9日至14日需繳附加費:
- 如需延長經濟客艙機票至9日至14日,每位成人需繳附加費:東京(HK$2,000);大阪(HK$2,000);北海道(HK$2,500);沖繩(HK$1,500)
- 如需延長商務客艙機票至9日至14日,每位成人需繳附加費:東京(HK$7,500);大阪(HK$7,500);北海道(HK$10,000);沖繩(HK$4,000)
- 如入住酒店日子是「Life Travel 香港和日本旺季日曆(2018)」內綠色外框的日子(日本旺季日子) ,本公司會另行報價,客人需補回差價。
原套票內之酒店住宿會以經濟客艙套票每晚HK$1,500 或 商務客艙套票每晚HK$2,500計算。
- 若本公司不能安排以上酒店住宿或客人想更改酒店住宿,客人可以經濟客艙套票每晚HK$1,500 或 商務客艙套票每晚HK$2,500計算訂購其他酒店住宿,並需補回差價。若訂購其他酒店住宿較便宜,客人不會獲得任何退款。
- 寵物入住酒店時,客人需自付寵物入住附加費或清潔費,約3,000-10,000日圓,最終價格由酒店決定,客人不得異議。
- 本優惠套票包括一隻寵物(狗或貓)來回運送服務,而寵物連寵物箱之重量不能多於15公斤。如多於15公斤,本公司將按本協議書收取附加費。
- 本優惠套票包括離境/入境稅和機場保安稅和燃油附加費。
- 本優惠套票不包括簽證費、旅遊保險費及客人一應的個人消費。
- 客人必須於報名日提供旅遊證件上之正確姓名,並清楚地核對收據上顯示之姓名及證件資料。否則遇有錯誤,本公司會收取更改之行政費用,敬請留意。
- 出發和必須與報名時的資料一樣,而其中一人位必須為寵物之持牌人。本公司會核對之身份証或旅遊證件、狗隻牌照和狗隻微型晶片作實。
- 如狗隻或貓隻於旅途中因身體不適而導致行程延誤,未能按時登機及因此而產生的所有費用,本公司怒不負責。
- 在任何情況下,客人在出發當日放棄使用前往目的地之機票,航空公司將會自動取消其回程機位,敬請留意。
- 本優惠套票不包括簽證費、旅遊保險費、服務費及其他類似費用。
- 本優惠套票的價格必須以客人之狗隻於本公司登記重量作準,如客人於登機當日狗隻重量超出報名時登記之重量,本公司有權向客人收取所產生的附加費用。
- 客人必須自行辦理出入境和登機手續,本公司會盡力協助,但一切因客人疏忽而引致之航班延誤或損失,本公司恕不負責。
- 一切出入境和登機手續以海關、航空公司和貨運公司作依歸,客人必須遵從,而因手續而引致之航班延誤或損失,本公司恕不負責。
- 客人所持之旅遊證件必須有最少六個月有效期(以回程日期計算)方能出發,個別國家除外。
- 本公司所收集之個人資料,只供相關機構核對姓名之用,而顧客所持之旅遊證件及旅遊簽證, 能否符合有關國家入/出境條例,客人必須自行了解清楚,若被航空公司或移民局海關人員拒絕登機或出入境,本公司將不負任何責任。而所有額外安排之費用,全均由客人自行承擔。
- 客人因自辦簽證不獲批淮,或代辦簽證申請時未能提供領事館要求的足夠資料,引至延誤 或不批發簽證,本公司概不負責。
- 鑒於航空公司規定,旅客所持之旅遊證件必須具備有兩整版印有〈簽證〉字樣之空白頁,以作為簽證標籤及當地移民局作入/出境記錄蓋印,否則航空公司有權拒絕旅客登機。
- 「香港旅遊業議會」(TIC) 建議旅客出發前按個人需要購買旅遊綜合保險。
- 為確保消費者權益,詳情請參閱細則、責任問題及延期返港須知。
- 如因『迫不得已理由』取消旅行套票,本公司會向顧客徵收團費之20%手續費和退票費(如有)。退款將於1個月內以支票形式退回客人戶口。
- 「迫不得已理由」乃指戰爭、政治動盪、恐怖襲擊、天災、疫症、惡劣天氣、交通工具發生技術問題、載運機構臨時更改班次/時間表、罷工、工業行動、旅遊目的地政府/世界衛生組織發出旅遊警告、香港特區政府發出紅色/黑色外遊警示,業界不能控制的不利旅客外遊及其他任何不可抗力因素的情況。 若遇特殊情況,本公司有權在出發前取消任何旅團或因應實際環境而作出適當調配,旅客不得藉故反對或退出。
- 因交通延誤、天氣、政府頒布及實施臨時法令時需要更改行程或航機,而導致客人增加額外費用,本公司將不負任何責任。
- 因戰爭、政變、罷工、交通工具、酒店、餐廳及觀光機構之疏忽或其他不受控制的意外 而直接或間接導致客人傷亡、財物遺失及損毀、精神受損等,本公司一概不負責任。
- 如懸掛八號或以上颱風、暴雨警告或其他天氣因素,除非接獲本公司通知航班更改或取消,否則所有旅遊套票均如期出發,客人必須於指定時間抵達機場。
- 所有非本公司直接提供之服務,包括:航空公司、轎車、酒店等項目(“委托合作機構”),如遇延誤,財物遺失及損毀、意外 傷亡,精神受損等,均按當地法律向委托合作機構直接交涉或追討賠償。在此情況下,本公司一概不對該等事項負上法律責任。
- 客人對本公司所有索償必須於香港辦理,而本公司對客人所負之責任,不會超過其所繳交費用之總額。
- 本優惠套票不可與任何其他折扣、推廣優惠同時使用。優惠套票亦不能兌換現金或其他產品。
- 航空公司會依據客人所預訂的客艙票價及其條款及細則釐定會員積分,客人須自行登記以獲取積分,本公司恕不負責。
- 對於航空公司所提供的商品及服務質素,本公司恕不承擔任何責任。
- 為確保客人能充分了解本公司的最新優惠,包括任何禮品、折扣及其他宣傳資訊,本公司將繼續為客人以直接市場推廣方法提供有關旅遊資訊、服務及優惠。本公司將有機會使用客人提供予我們的個人資料,把相關資訊透過不同方式通知客人。
- 本優惠套票須受本條款及細則及(如適用)本公司其他合同的的條款及細則所約束。
- 就本推廣如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
- 以上費用及條款如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。
- 本條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律規管,並按其詮釋。
- 免責聲明:客人應先自行準備安全、清潔、堅固而合乎國際航空運輸協會運載動物的規定之寵物運送寵物箱 (客人亦可選擇向本公司購買籠具,惟本公司不會對運送籠具的保養及使用負上任何責任)。為顧及托運寵物之舒適度及安全需求,每一寵物箱以裝載一隻寵物為限。柵門須牢固上鎖以防意外事故發生。運送途中如因航空公司發生故意過失,則屬航空公司責任而非本公司;如因動物本身因素產生的受傷、遺失、生病或死亡事故,則不歸屬航空公司及本公司的責任。
- 免責聲明:如因動物自身因素產生對其本身及/或第三方的損傷、遺失、生病或死亡事故(包括但不止於動物在旅途中對第三者作出損失和傷害),則不歸屬航空公司及本公司的責任。